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General Rules to each promotion:
You will have to complete all the tasks that are written on the back
After you have gotten signed off on all of those tasks then you will need to get tested by your Platoon Sergeant, then your First Sergeant, then your Company Commanders, and finally the instructor
For this test all you will need to do is stand either at attention or at ease, and repeat their rank back to them as well as the question and its answer: for example, if the question is being asked by your First Sergeant and the question is “What is the rank of One stripe up?”, you would respond with “First Sergeant, the rank of One stripe up is Private”
You will also need a concurrence form from your teachers saying that you at least have a 75% in each class and you have a decent moral system
JROTC Creed: I would recommend that you learn the creed in chunks, or each stanza individually. The creed is recited every morning.
The item just to the left of the creed is the army song, this would also be good to memorize in stanza but if you just continue to read of the paper while saying it you will find a beat to it and then after you just keep repeating it to yourself over and over again it will be memorized in a very short amount of time
Next is the Mission of JROTC, the easiest was to memorize this is the M in mission and the M in motivate are the same so you can easily remember that the mission is to motivate young people to be better citizens
The purpose is just a simple memorization phrase, which is to help cadets graduate high school
The Key to success is probably the easiest one to memorize because it is just one word which is teamwork
Another acronym that you will need to memorize JPA which is the JROTC program accreditation
The last acronym that you will need to memorize is the CIP which means the continuous improvement plan which just so happens to include this document
The Chain in command is the next item that you will need to memorize, you will not only need to know the person who is in that position but what that section actually does
For the S1 just remember that people come first so the personnel officer is the first section leader
The security office is the S2: after people, the most important thing is to make sure that those people are secure so that is the second priority of the Battalion
The operations and training officer are the next section, and you can remember that it is the S3 since Operations and training is three words, so the S3 had three words in their title
The S4 sections has to have a big FOUR-head with a big brain behind it since they are part of the logistics section
The S5 section is in charge of long-term plans so you can remember the Five beings with F and so does Future so the S Five is in charge of the future
The S6 section is the information technology section it is easy to remember because the sixth section does IT (it)
The S7 section is the recruiting, you can remember this by knowing that there are six people in a squad, and you have to try and RECRUIT a seventh member into it
The S8 is the Finance section and you can remember this by knowing this is the final section deals in finance
The PAO is pretty easy since it is just an acronym for the Public Affairs Officer
The IG has the rank of major, so they are MAJORLY in charge of JPA
The final item of the first worksheet is the ranks that you will need to memorize each of these can be made into a pneumonic that can make the memorization process easier
The first rank that you need to know is the rank you begin with is the PV1 then you complete this worksheet to get to the next rank of private which is PV2
Private first class can be differentiated because it is the only other ranks that has one stripe up and it is the first rank with a bar
The next rank that is attainable is corporal which is the only rank that has two stripes up
The next rank is that attainable is the rank of sergeant which will be in the name of every other enlisted rank which is three stripes up
The next rank is that of staff sergeant, which is three stripes up and one bar down, you can remember this because it looks like there is a “staff” below the three stipes up
The next rank is the rank of sergeant first class and you can remember this by knowing that this is the first rank that has two bars below the stripes, so it was the first “class” with the two bars
The next rank is that of master sergeants and you can remember this by thinking to yourself that this is the first rank that “mastered” all of the bars and stripes
The next rank is that of first sergeant and you can remember that this is the first rank that has a shape that is not a bar or a stripe
The next rank is that of sergeant major and you can remember this by saying to yourself “stargeant” major since this is the first rank with a star in the epilates
The last enlisted rank is that of command sergeant major and you can easily remember this because this is the most complicated enlisted rank, so it commands all of the other enlisted ranks
Next you will begin to move into the officer ranks which you can differentiate between the enlisted and this rank by seeing that they only have shapes in the middle of the rank and no stipes or bars on the rank itself
The first officer rank that you will have is going to be 2nd lieutenant which is one disk, you can remember this by thinking to yourself that the second lieutenant in command only has one disk
The next officer rank that you will see is the 1st lieutenant which is two disks, you can remember they are first or ahead of the second lieutenant by thinking to yourself that they have 2 disks and not just one
Next up is the captain rank which is three disks, you can easily remember this by thinking of your company commander which hold the same rank, you can think to yourself that they are in command of the top three of your company which is why they have three disks on their rank
Alright the third to last rank is Major which is one diamond, you can remember this by thinking to yourself that this rank is pretty MAJOR because it is the first rank that only has one diamond
The second highest rank is that of Lieutenant Colonel which is two diamonds, you can remember this if you just think of the 1st lieutenant which has the same rank but with diamonds instead of disks
The highest and last rank of the JROTC program is that of Colonel which is three diamonds, you can remember this by thinking to yourself that since this rank has the most diamonds out of every other rank it must be the most important